Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
I Am Your Only Safe Refuge
Messages from Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and St. Michael the Archangel Given to Beloved Shelley Anna on July 29, 2024

Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior, Elohim says.
I am your only safe refuge.
The demons have been awakened in anticipation of the coming of the antichrist
When they are no longer restrained, these disembodied demonic spirits will seek out souls that do not know Me as their Lord and Savior, and do not dwell in My presence.
Their influence upon humanity has become increasingly powerful because pride has entered their hearts, the root of all evil.
This is why you must remain in the safe dwelling of My Heart.
Thus saith, The Lord.
As angelic feathers overshadow me, I hear Saint Michael The Archangel say,
I, Saint Michael, The Archangel, cover you with My wings!
This is the time of great distress, that has begun in the Middle East, as the war in Israel with her enemies, begin to culminate, and spread abroad, through out the world, awakening sleeper cells in various places in preparation for the tribulation, that will begin, when the restrainer is taken out of the way.
The way has been paved, for the agenda of the antichrist!
Beloved Heart dwellers of Christ
Pray for the conversion of sinners, Heaven rejoices over every repentant soul.
Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior awaits with open arms.
Do not let these moments of mercy pass you by, for the hour has become very late!
I, Saint Michael The Archangel, will defend you, with My sword unsheathed, and My shield always before you.
Thus saith,
Your Watchful Defender.
Nahum 1:7
The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knows those who take refuge in him.